There has been increasing influx of noxious pollutants into the ecosystem, these recalcitrant affect all biosphere of life including human progression. Petroleum compounds are the chief source of hydrocarbons and their processing contributes to various fractions of potent poisons into the ecosystem. Petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil was sampled from spilled sites located within the hinters of Rivers state Nigeria and using a spectroscopic assay method, they were examined for the presence of heavy metals and chemicals associated to bisphenol-A bioaccumulation. The collection point for the control experiment was roughly 1.04 kilometers away from the suburban city. The test and control studies revealed the presence of heavy metals Fe, Pb, and Cu, respectively. However, the concentrations of Fe and Pb were rather high, measuring 14.01±0.05b and 3.52±0.2a mg/ml, respectively. Cu was found at 3.22±025c and 1.08±045c mg/ml for the test and control experiment respectively while 4.56±0.15c mg/g of Pb was identified in the test experiment only Heavy metals of Cd, Ni, As, Pb and Mn were below detectable limit in both experiments, respectively. FTIR spectroscopy revealed that sample II's amide I was severely deformed, but all of the damaged soil samples had significant hydroxylation at about 3300 cm-1. The impacted soil sample also exhibited evidence of amide I bending. Because of the population's increasing demand for elite supplies, there is a growing number of oil drilling and exploration businesses in our nation, making the current study of clinical and environmental health vital. The results of this assessment will serve as a suitable manual for monitoring organizations, enabling them to strictly enforce policies for exploration and tighten all departure ports in order to safeguard the ecosystem right away.
Published in | Journal of Health and Environmental Research (Volume 10, Issue 4) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.jher.20241004.11 |
Page(s) | 78-84 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Petroleum Hydrocarbon, Heavy Metals, Bisphenol-A, FTIR-Spectroscopy
Heavy metals | Control | point 1 |
Iron (Mg/ml) | 3.52±0.2a | 14.01±0.05b |
Cadmium(Mg/ml) | BDL | BDL |
Nickel (Mg/ml) | BDL | BDL |
Arsenic(Mg/ml) | BDL | BDL |
Lead (Mg/ml) | BDL | 4.56±0.15c |
Manganese (Mg/ml) | BDL | BDL |
Copper (Mg/ml) | 1.08±0.45c | 3.22±025c |
FTIR | Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy |
C-O | Carbonyl |
Cu | Copper |
Fe | Iron |
Zn | Zinc |
BDL | Below Detectable Limit |
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APA Style
Obinna, E. C., Chijioke, I. C., Eberechukwu, I. L., Joy, O., Chidiebere, C. M., et al. (2024). Spectra Analysis of Endocrine Related Compounds and Heavy Metals in Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil. Journal of Health and Environmental Research, 10(4), 78-84.
ACS Style
Obinna, E. C.; Chijioke, I. C.; Eberechukwu, I. L.; Joy, O.; Chidiebere, C. M., et al. Spectra Analysis of Endocrine Related Compounds and Heavy Metals in Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil. J. Health Environ. Res. 2024, 10(4), 78-84. doi: 10.11648/j.jher.20241004.11
AMA Style
Obinna EC, Chijioke IC, Eberechukwu IL, Joy O, Chidiebere CM, et al. Spectra Analysis of Endocrine Related Compounds and Heavy Metals in Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil. J Health Environ Res. 2024;10(4):78-84. doi: 10.11648/j.jher.20241004.11
@article{10.11648/j.jher.20241004.11, author = {Ezenwelu Chijioke Obinna and Ilechukwu Cyril Chijioke and Iloanya Lauretta Eberechukwu and Onwah Joy and Chigbo Malachy Chidiebere and Oparaji Emeka Henry}, title = {Spectra Analysis of Endocrine Related Compounds and Heavy Metals in Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil }, journal = {Journal of Health and Environmental Research}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, pages = {78-84}, doi = {10.11648/j.jher.20241004.11}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {There has been increasing influx of noxious pollutants into the ecosystem, these recalcitrant affect all biosphere of life including human progression. Petroleum compounds are the chief source of hydrocarbons and their processing contributes to various fractions of potent poisons into the ecosystem. Petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil was sampled from spilled sites located within the hinters of Rivers state Nigeria and using a spectroscopic assay method, they were examined for the presence of heavy metals and chemicals associated to bisphenol-A bioaccumulation. The collection point for the control experiment was roughly 1.04 kilometers away from the suburban city. The test and control studies revealed the presence of heavy metals Fe, Pb, and Cu, respectively. However, the concentrations of Fe and Pb were rather high, measuring 14.01±0.05b and 3.52±0.2a mg/ml, respectively. Cu was found at 3.22±025c and 1.08±045c mg/ml for the test and control experiment respectively while 4.56±0.15c mg/g of Pb was identified in the test experiment only Heavy metals of Cd, Ni, As, Pb and Mn were below detectable limit in both experiments, respectively. FTIR spectroscopy revealed that sample II's amide I was severely deformed, but all of the damaged soil samples had significant hydroxylation at about 3300 cm-1. The impacted soil sample also exhibited evidence of amide I bending. Because of the population's increasing demand for elite supplies, there is a growing number of oil drilling and exploration businesses in our nation, making the current study of clinical and environmental health vital. The results of this assessment will serve as a suitable manual for monitoring organizations, enabling them to strictly enforce policies for exploration and tighten all departure ports in order to safeguard the ecosystem right away. }, year = {2024} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Spectra Analysis of Endocrine Related Compounds and Heavy Metals in Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil AU - Ezenwelu Chijioke Obinna AU - Ilechukwu Cyril Chijioke AU - Iloanya Lauretta Eberechukwu AU - Onwah Joy AU - Chigbo Malachy Chidiebere AU - Oparaji Emeka Henry Y1 - 2024/11/22 PY - 2024 N1 - DO - 10.11648/j.jher.20241004.11 T2 - Journal of Health and Environmental Research JF - Journal of Health and Environmental Research JO - Journal of Health and Environmental Research SP - 78 EP - 84 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2472-3592 UR - AB - There has been increasing influx of noxious pollutants into the ecosystem, these recalcitrant affect all biosphere of life including human progression. Petroleum compounds are the chief source of hydrocarbons and their processing contributes to various fractions of potent poisons into the ecosystem. Petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil was sampled from spilled sites located within the hinters of Rivers state Nigeria and using a spectroscopic assay method, they were examined for the presence of heavy metals and chemicals associated to bisphenol-A bioaccumulation. The collection point for the control experiment was roughly 1.04 kilometers away from the suburban city. The test and control studies revealed the presence of heavy metals Fe, Pb, and Cu, respectively. However, the concentrations of Fe and Pb were rather high, measuring 14.01±0.05b and 3.52±0.2a mg/ml, respectively. Cu was found at 3.22±025c and 1.08±045c mg/ml for the test and control experiment respectively while 4.56±0.15c mg/g of Pb was identified in the test experiment only Heavy metals of Cd, Ni, As, Pb and Mn were below detectable limit in both experiments, respectively. FTIR spectroscopy revealed that sample II's amide I was severely deformed, but all of the damaged soil samples had significant hydroxylation at about 3300 cm-1. The impacted soil sample also exhibited evidence of amide I bending. Because of the population's increasing demand for elite supplies, there is a growing number of oil drilling and exploration businesses in our nation, making the current study of clinical and environmental health vital. The results of this assessment will serve as a suitable manual for monitoring organizations, enabling them to strictly enforce policies for exploration and tighten all departure ports in order to safeguard the ecosystem right away. VL - 10 IS - 4 ER -